Round Duct

Round Duct

PT. Indo Ducting Primatama has been producing high quality Spiral Round Duct since 2002  using state-of-the-art machineries imported from America and Taiwan. They allow us to produce many high-quality reliable products in a short time.

Advantages :

  1. Spiral Round Duct  available in a LONGER and LIGHTER size than rectangular duct.
  2. Spiral Round Duct is the most EFFICIENT and ECONOMICAL ducting in distributing air, because air friction is less than that of rectanguler ducting.
  3. The smaller shape of the surface means LESS INSULATION required when it is covered externally.
  4. Operational cost is LOWER because the spiral round duct shape influences the air pressure, so the horse power of the fan is smaller.
  5. A HEALTHIER room environment, because there are no longer potential places for bacteria in the corners.
  6. A smaller duct surface absorbs HEAT on a medium level, thus producing MORE EFFICIENT energy.
  7. A TIGHTER connection, thus LEAKS are greatly reduce and energy is not wasted.
  8. The round duct form is very SPECIAL because the curved surface means no noise
  9. The appearance is more unique. Spiral Duct is very much in high demand by architects and designers due to its uniqueness and integral element in the design.
  10. Spiral duct is available in various diameter sizes, from 100 mm to 1500 mm.